JAMB Proposes Use of Mobile Phones for 2023 UTME, Introduces BYOD System


Title: JAMB Proposes Use of Mobile Phones for 2023 UTME, Introduces BYOD System

Date: August 25, 2023

In a groundbreaking move, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has proposed the use of mobile phones for the 2023 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME). This innovative step aims to enhance accessibility and convenience for candidates, while also streamlining the examination process.

JAMB’s decision to introduce the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system comes as a response to the evolving technological landscape and the increasing reliance on mobile devices. With the BYOD system, candidates will be able to use their own mobile phones to take the UTME, eliminating the need for specialized examination centers and reducing logistical challenges.

The introduction of mobile phones as a means of taking the UTME opens up new possibilities for candidates. It allows them to leverage the familiarity and comfort of their own devices, potentially leading to improved performance and reduced anxiety during the examination. Additionally, this move aligns with the digital transformation efforts in the education sector, fostering a more technologically inclusive environment.

To ensure a fair and secure examination process, JAMB will implement stringent measures to prevent malpractice and maintain the integrity of the UTME. Advanced security protocols will be put in place to safeguard against cheating and ensure that the examination remains a reliable assessment of candidates’ knowledge and abilities.

The BYOD system also offers cost-saving benefits, as candidates will no longer need to invest in specialized devices or travel to designated examination centers. This move is expected to make the UTME more accessible to a wider range of candidates, including those from remote areas or with limited financial resources.

JAMB’s decision to embrace mobile technology for the 2023 UTME reflects its commitment to innovation and adaptability. By leveraging the ubiquity of mobile phones, JAMB aims to create a more inclusive and efficient examination process, ultimately benefiting the Nigerian education system as a whole.

As the 2023 UTME approaches, candidates and stakeholders eagerly anticipate further details regarding the implementation of the BYOD system. JAMB’s forward-thinking approach sets a precedent for other examination bodies, highlighting the potential of technology to revolutionize assessment methods and improve educational outcomes.

About JAMB:
The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is a Nigerian examination body responsible for conducting the UTME, a standardized examination for admission into tertiary institutions in Nigeria. JAMB’s mission is to ensure fairness, transparency, and credibility in the admission process, while promoting excellence in education.

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